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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


(left to right: my sister, my mom, me, my mom's office mates)

          Tinago falls is one of the most famous falls in Iligan City (dubbed as "The City of Majestic Waterfalls"). Legend says that Tinago falls is once a daughter of a proud sultan and his wife. Because of their selfishness, an enchantress turned their new born to an ugly baby. The child grew up inside a cave hidden by her parents but the enchantress offered her to transform into something of great beauty and splendour. She accepted it and became the Tinago falls. (I really don't know of I would thank her parents or not...hehehe :)

          It is located in barangay Ditucalan, Iligan City. To get there, take a jeepney from the city proper to Buru-an Market and hire a habal-habal to take you to Tinago falls. The road is okay but it's muddy and a little bit jarring most of the time.

          For people who love trekking, you can revel in trudging the 434 steps (500+ including extra tread). Be careful on the way because the uneven stairs makes the journey bumpy and uncomfortable. Also be mindful of the administration's important reminder:
          "If you are hypertensive, have heart problems or not feeling well, you are advice not to trek down, or you can do it slowly and take rest in between."

main falls
crystal clear water

          Ta-dah! See how truly majestic the cascade is? It would really take your breath away! And notice how the water glistened like sparkling diamonds? Mesmerizing! My sister and I traipsed the trail 'four times' because when we first arrived at the falls we suddenly decided to go swimming so we have to go back to the car, get our clothes and descend...again! That was VERY tiring, but once at the sight of the falls our fatigue wore out :)

        Here we are, swimming to our hearts content, enjoying the cool and clear water. The cataract descends at a height of 240m and water as deep as 68ft (that's what I remembered the guide told us).

         They have a package of entrance fee, life vest, and unlimited ride to the 'gaket' (made of bamboo which is used to reach the waterfalls) for only 35php. The tables are from 50 php up.

slide show

          Would it be wrong to say that you would miss half of your life if you won't go there? Well you can't blame me for telling you so :). You see I'm a Biology student, and I really love nature. In the ravine you'll be amazed not only with the falls but also with the different wildlife you'll notice along the way. There are multicolored butterflies and dragonflies with green, red, blue, black, violet, and even pink color! Imagine?! A pink dragonfly! That's why I'm so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to witness one of His marvelous creations.

          If you plan on having a trip to Tinago falls, I strongly recommend that you should go ASAP because the butterflies and dragonflies are depleting, and I'm afraid that you won't see it anymore. My mother said that when she last went there with my dad there were countless number of those of insects but now there's hardly any. We went there just  this year, last May. Enjoy and bon voyage!

Monday, August 5, 2013


          Timoga Springs is a group of springs located at Timoga, Buru-an in Iligan City, Philippines. It is well known for it's icy cool, crystal-clear springs that flow freely to swimming pools of different sizes. There are approximately five spring resorts along the highway which houses pools, ranging from 5ft-21ft (excluding the pool for kids).

          The source of water of Timoga Spring comes from Lake Lanao in the only Islamic city of the Philippines--Marawi City, Lanao del Sur--which is 37 kilometers away. Lake Lanao waters come from a volcanic source, the lake being the crater of an extinct volcano. These waters are filtered subterraneanly in the Timoga, Buru-an area of Iligan, making it one of the richest source of fresh, high pH, alkaline water.

          Out of the 5 resorts in Timoga, we always choose to stay in El Lauriento Swimming Pool. I don't know why, but it's really nice in there with so many pools to choose from: kiddies, 6ft, 8ft, 8ft among others. Entrance fee is only 50 pesos per person and you can bring food inside if you want. In our case, we often eat among the restaurants that lined the high way outside the resorts. Foods like lechon manok, lechon baboy, sinugbang isda, barbecue, halang-halang, etc., are available at a very affordable price.

          Timoga is easy accessible for it is positioned along the national road. You can always ask a local for the place, they should be of assistance. Enjoy and bon voyage!


          The main outlet of the Philippines' largest freshwater (Great Lake  Lanao), Maria Cristina falls is controlled by the Agus VI Hydroelectric Plant operated by National Power Corporation (NPC). It is known as the "Fountain Head of Progress" and "Mother of Industry" because it is the main source of electric power of Iligan City and the entire Mindanao.

          Maria Cristina falls is also called the "Twin Falls" due to the rock that divides the cascade in its brink. Swimming is strictly prohibited due to the strong current given by the falls. This is the 8th tallest waterfall in the country with water that plunges from a cliff measuring 320ft tall. It is located 9.3 kilometers away SW of the city central at the boundaries of barangays Maria Cristina, Ditucalan, and Buru-un.

me and my family

          The first time we went there was my brother's field trip. I'm the one wearing a pink bonnet. That was way back 2005 and the falls is still fascinating as before. We are at the third floor of the viewing deck of NPC and at our backs is the dazzling Maria Cristina falls. They reduced the flow at that time because of power saving so we only saw a part of it. (They occasionally do that even at present)

          Also there are monkeys freely roaming around the site, better be mindful of your things then. They even attempted to go inside our bus when we were there!

          Admission fee for adults is 30php while for students and senior citizens is only 20php (bring i.d's incase of validation). To get there ask the driver of the jeepney that you'll hire from the city to drop you at the crossing going to Maria Cristina falls, from there you will see the NPC Nature's Park sign then voila! Enjoy and bon voyage! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013



          Another site worth exploring in Mindanao is the Misamis Occidental Aquamarine Park (MOAP) located in Libertad Bajo, Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental. The park has two attractions: the zoo and the dolphin island.

         We went there several times. Though at first there was no 'dolphin island' to be found, we still had a wonderful time exploring the wild...I mean the zoo :). I remembered monkeys, eagles, snakes, different kinds of marine species in very big aquariums and many more animals that I didn't recognized. We even saw the actual feeding of boa constrictors and crocodiles!

           Mangrove trees are everywhere the reservation. In between them are cottages built above sea level which serves as restaurants, souvenir shops, and some are wide halls where you can rest and watch the vast ocean before you.

slide show

my sister (in grey) with her barkada

          After the dolphin island was developed we went there again. We went boating, kayaking, swimming with very large turtles (few meters), snorkeling to see various kinds of fishes and clams, and fed the baby dolphins. We had so much fun in the park, but I don't know where our pictures are, so instead I inserted I inserted photos taken when my sister visited MOAP last summer with her friends. They also had many dolphins back then, but the storm that struck Mindanao few years ago freed almost all the animals including the in the zoo. That was very devastating since the place was practically destroyed; but nevertheless, MOAP is now reconstructed anew.

          I've read reviews about Aquamarine and learned that they only kept 3 dolphins now. The boat rate is 300 pesos per person and you can swim and snorkel with the dolphins for 150 pesos. It's a bit expensive than last time but I bet if you'll go there it'll be one of your unforgettable travels. Enjoy and bon voyage!


          Street dancing, rituals, fireworks, beauty pageant and booths from 14 municipalities and 3 cities are the events that are most awaited by 'Misamisnons' when November comes for this is the time that they celebrate the 'Pasungko Festival'.

          Once I witnessed this festival last 2011, which was their declaration of Pasungko S'g Misamis Occidental as the official festival of the province. The festival was held at Oroquieta; the city was decorated with colorful banderitas and everywhere the busy streets are lined with food stalls and booths. There were so many people all over the place that it's hard to even find you way.

          Aloran, my hometown, is part of Mis. Occ., which means that we take part of the festival itself. Though I only saw it once--because I was in my last year in high school that time and now I'm in Cebu to finish my studies--I am so proud of our municipality because we won 1st place in street dancing and 4th place in ritual dancing out of 17 contingents; not to mention my younger sister was one of the tribal dancers that represented our town.

          Fireworks display was after the declaration of winners, by that time it's already nightfall and I definitely think that you'll like the different colored lights that illuminates the place if you go there. Enjoy and bon voyage!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


          Another beach in Aloran that tourists prefer is within the Buka Beach Resort. The sand in this area is very fine and soft that lying in it feels like lying in a bed :)

my high school classmates

me (in yellow), with my classmates in high school

          I've been there a couple of times; we frequently have reunions and outings in the resort. If you dont know much, you'll have to ask from the locals for directions, it's not that easy to get into this place because it's a bit far from the town proper.
          What I really love about the beach is you can't find any rocks or spiky corals or anything that will prick your feet if you go swimming. The sea bed is so empty that all you see is sand! I like corals and all but when it comes to swimming I really don't like anything that touches my feet besides sand. If you agree with me then try visiting Buka Beach Resort. Enjoy and bon voyage!




          In the east coast of Aloran lies Tawi-Tawi, a beach like so many others at first glace--black sand, panoramic scene, breath-taking sunsets--but a beach with a little secret hidden in its depths.
          So dramatic! hahaha! But really, I'm not kidding. I've been there hundreds of times now, since it's near my home, and I'm still fascinated with what this beach display.



my brother with a 10-pointed starfish

          Ta-dah! I'm telling you it's so nice in there! There are so many kinds of marine species you can see; that is IF THE TIDE IS LOW. It's not very far from the bay and the tide is low so you really don't have to swim just to see them. These pictures were taken when my cousins from Ozamis and Cagayan de Oro City visited us. They were so shocked to see countless of starfish in the ocean floor. At first they are hesitant to even touch them, but after telling them 'hundreds of times' that the starfish are harmless they did at last.

          Oh you just got to see them for yourselves! These pictures doesn't even show half of the beach's wonders. Sometimes my uncle who lives in this area invites us for a ride in his boat. We're like in the middle of the sea where you can't see any distant land anymore. It's a bit scary, but once you see the ocean floor--the water's clear enough--lying so vast before you, you'll be mesmerize with what you'll see...corals, anemones, sponges, schools of fish in different colors...we even found Nemo! hahaha! I'm sorry I haven't got photos though, my mom's afraid the camera will get wet so we left all our gadgets in the cottage. But you should check out this place. Enjoy and bon voyage!